Have you ever tried to smile and feel it? Have you ever tried to scream and hear it? Have you ever tried to dream and see it?

Have you ever touched the sky?

Have you ever wanted to?

Have you ever felt the wind on your shoulders? Have you ever felt it playing with your hair?

I haven't. But I'm sure I will, I'm sure I can.

Because life's not a game, life's not a moment, life's not a gift. Life is me. I am life.

You know, it's strange, it's wierd, I don't know how do I understand this, but I do.

You know, the fact that I AM brings energy, brings sort of fire into me, it brings freedom and... And life...

You know, when I understand that I'm LIVING, I throw away all the other thoughts just to keep this one.

You know, I have never really imagined Death. And you know, I don't want to.

I am quite sure that happiness is not a dream, it's here and all we've got to do is accept it... There's no way to get it, you've got to see it. To feel it...

I do. I do feel it. Right now.


@музыка: Blackmore's night - Wish you were here

@настроение: ain't it good?

27.06.2006 в 04:09

caution: [fragile]
Сразу вспомнилась одна песенка Have I ever :) Ты права, Олечка) Жизнь - это чудо, ты - это чудо! И я тебя люблю за то, что ты такое чудо)
27.06.2006 в 11:43

.....мечты - это планы Бога относительно нас.....
ммм. классно, что это осознаешь)) I am life
27.06.2006 в 13:34

I'll rise and guess where I will go
А мне вспомнилась песня E-Type - Do You Always...

I've got life :)

это так здорово.. когда у тебя хорошее настроение, у меня просто не получается грустить :)