I didn't do anything special today, but I am feeling really happy despite various things... And, on the other hand, I think something's bothering me. Getting over it soon is the best I can do. ) Wanna take pictures, wanna see myself from different points of view, I want to draw - and it doesn't matter that I can't draw the way I want to, if I don't draw at all it will get worse. And once again, it's like something's missing.
I've got 16 Mb free on my iPod... I suck! But I definitely can't remove any of the music I've uploaded! And it obviously won't be Arashi ^^^ Allthough there are more than 170 songs ^^"
Hey, I almost forgot that I used sometime to write in English. I won't improve in it if I don't anymore! And, speaking of languages... Japanese! I keep blaming myself for not knowing it. u.u
We're currently watching Zettai Kareshi and I'm toatally into it!!! Aaah, my great love for Hiro Mizushima is growing greater... I can do nothing with myself, it's becoming like some kind of drug, those japanese boys. =D Choo kawaii!
I can't avoid it, it seems like I'm happy just because of some cute dorama. =)
Today I want to sing. Let's call it like a singing day ^^ Say, it's been a long time since I last recorded something, right? But it won't be today, no. There's a duet waiting for me))
Ne, if I don't eat something quickly, I'll go to work hungry and that aren't exactly my intentions. So ja ne!
Gotta be orange
| среда, 10 сентября 2008