Seems like our boss had a good birthday party yesterday in Barcelona and won't show up in the office this morning. As in, at all.
I've got things to do but if I do them now, what am I going to do later?
I've decided to start studying today. And if I don't, I guess it will be best to just drop it. There's no use in a course if you don't study. But I know I can make it! I mean, I have to! I am the one paying for this, after all. And, of course, I am the one who's going to need the studies. Shit. Why the hell must I be telling myself all this motivational stuff? Darn it. I am extremely identified with my new avatar right now. -_-"
And, since I'm whining here anyway, it would be okay if I also complained about the so-called "love life", which I still don't- and I assume won't ever have. It is so stressing! Probably it's just someone from above telling me that I should focus on other things instead and that even if I had someone here who liked me or whom I liked, I still wouldn't have time for all this nonsense, and I honestly feel this is just SO TRUE. But then why am I thinking about this and making a fuzz over it year after year after year?
Once again, I'm pathetic.