Итак, флэшмоб номер раз [from .4got10.]:
флэшмоб номер два [from Кролик Белый, Чио & .4got10.]:
1) оставляете коммент
2) получаете от меня имя
3) пишете в своем дневнике про людей с этим именем. Какие воспоминания и ассоциации они у вас вызывают.
мне досталось
от Кролик БелыйИмя Анна.
Анна... Аня. Это почти моя сестра. Ведь крестили Яну Аней, так как Яна - нерусское имя (оно польское) и вот. И вообще - Яна наоборот - Аня. И еще у меня есть некое подобие троюродной или какой-то-еще-уродной тети, которую тоже зовут Аня. А вообще мне это имя не нравится
от ЧиоИмя Эдвард.
Боже. Эдвард. Джонни)))) Все, больше ниче не знаю. Ну так, оно прикольное, Эдди там...
от .4got10.Имя Оля.
Вот, где можно много написать. Оля - это я, Ольга, Ольчик, Олька, Олечка, Олёнка, в общем, прозиводных, которыми меня называли/ют, много. А еще у меня есть Олька. Моя любимая Олька. У нее столько ников, что я не знаю, как ее назвать, но для меня она не ник, она Олька. А однажды я познакомилась и подружилась с Олей, которая родилась второго апреля девяностого года, то есть в тот же день, месяц и год, что и я. И ее звали Олей) Потрясно))
Флешмоб номер тры [от Ольки))]:
Обладатели обширной коллекции музыки на своем компе могут провернуть вот такую забаву - добавить всю музыку в плейлист медиаплеера (любого с рандомом) и рандомайзить треки.
Трек, получивший первую позицию - ответ на очередной вопрос.
Если название данного трека бессмысленно (вроде анноун трэк) можно крутануть рандом еще раз
1. Что у меня на душе?
Camera Obscura [Footlose & Fancy Free]Camera Obscura [Footlose & Fancy Free]
Buy me an advent calendar
It seems the thought of days without you make me sadder
Don’t visit me now you make me want to do myself in
I’ll see yousometime but I won’t see you soon
I know something’s about you
I won’t spill the beans
There’s a spool in my own camera that’s never been seen
I could write it all down but it won’t be enough
I want you to be happy with someone to love
It won’t be me
It won’t be you
Pretty soonwe’ll agree to be free
Footloose and fancy free
Против С.О. ничего не имею, обожаю)
2. Каким меня видят мои друзья?
ABBA [Knowing me, knowing you]ABBA [Knowing me, knowing you]
No more carefree laughter
Silence ever after
Walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes
Here is where the story ends, this is goodbye
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
There is nothing we can do
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
We just have to face it, this time we're through
(This time we're through, this time we're through
This time we're through, we're really through)
Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go
(I have to go this time
I have to go, this time I know)
Knowing me, knowing you
It's the best I can do
Mem'ries (mem'ries), good days (good days), bad days (bad days)
They'll be (they'll be), with me (with me) always (always)
In these old familiar rooms children would play
Now there's only emptiness, nothing to say
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
There is nothing we can do
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
We just have to face it, this time we're through
(This time we're through, this time we're through
This time we're through, we're really through)
Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go
(I have to go this time
I have to go, this time I know)
Knowing me, knowing you
It's the best I can do
Лучше и не надо
3. Песня о моем лучшем друге
Britney Spears [Toxic]Britney Spears [Toxic]
Baby, can't you see
I'm calling
A guy like you
Should wear a warning
It's dangerous
I'm falling
There's no escape
I can't wait
I need a hit
Baby, give me it
You're dangerous
I'm loving it
Too high
Can't come down
Losing my head
Spinning round and round
Can you feel me now?
With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic
I'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do
But you know that you're toxic
It's getting late
To give you up
I took a sip
From my devil's cup
It's taking over me
Too high
Can't come down
It's in the air
And it's all around
Can you feel me now?
With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic
I'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do
But you know that you're toxic
But you know that you're toxic
Taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
I'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic
I'm slipping under (toxic)
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic
Intoxicate me now
With your loving now
I think I'm ready now
I think I'm ready now
Intoxicate me now
With your loving now
I think I'm ready now
Здесь можно убиццо ап стену.
4. Мое лучшее качество?
Fiona Apple [Across the universe]Fiona Apple [Across the universe]
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai guru de va om
Nothings gonna change my world,
Nothings gonna change my world.
Nothings gonna change my world
Nothings gonna change my world.
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
That call me on and on across the universe,
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they
Tumble blindly as they make their way
Across the universe
Jai guru de va om
Nothings gonna change my world,
Nothings gonna change my world.
Nothings gonna change my world.
Nothings gonna change my world.
Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing
Through my open ears inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a
Million suns, it calls me on and on
Across the universe
Jai guru de va om
Nothings gonna change my world,
Nothings gonna change my world.
Nothings gonna change my world.
Nothings gonna change my world.
Jai guru de va, jai guru de va
Jai guru de va, jai guru de va
Jai guru de va.
Jai guru de va, jai guru de va.
Я это перевожу как "спокойствие"
5. Что меня ждет завтра?
Ace of Base [Always have, always will]Ace of Base [Always have, always will]
Always have, always will
I was mesmerised when I first met you
Wouldnt let myself believe
The you could step right out of my wildest dreams
But you didnt know
That secret part of me
Until we kissed and made it open up so easily
I always have
Even when it didnt show
I always will
You know that I just wanna touch you
Whenever youre close to me
I always have
Doesnt matter where we go
I always will
You know that I just wanna show you
Just how much you mean to me
Always have, always will
Everything that you give in to
Everything youll ever need
Is locked up somewhere deep inside of me
And you gotta know
But more importantly
Youve got to stay and hold me while we live this fantasy
I always have
Even when it didnt show
I always will
You know that I just wanna touch you
Whenever youre close to me
I always have
Doesnt matter where we go
I always will
You know that I just wanna show you
Just how much you mean to me
Sometimes we try too hard to please
We should have let love come naturally
And sometimes I dont know
Just what you really do to me
That is okay
cause its all part of the mystery
I always have
Even when it didnt show
I always will
You know that I just wanna touch you
Whenever youre close to me
I always have
Doesnt matter where we go
I always will
You know that I just wanna show you
Just how much you mean to me
Always have, always will
Я рада, да и вообще я эту песню обожаю))
6. Песня о моих родителях
Roxette [Cinnamon Street]Roxette [Cinnamon Street]
Growing up
on Cinnamon Street.
Everywhere you look
there are lots of people to meet,
it's seven o'clock,
the breakfast treat.
Now the schoolbus is here,
hurry up and grab a seat.
All the dreams are tiny ones,
another week has just begun
on Cinnamon Street.
There was a girl
on Cinnamon Street,
the same age as me,
we shared the curiosity.
I won her heart
cos I could play guitar.
I promised her heaven at once
and later all the stars.
But it all remained the same
cos things can never change
on Cinnamon Street.
I can hear my heartbeat
the very first time we made love,
life was a lazy rest in the sun.
Later we went dancing,
staying up all night long
- playing all our favourite songs,
Cinnamon songs:
Oh oh na na na na na.
I say goodbye
to Cinnamon Street.
Springtime is here
and the air is so dry and sweet.
I walk in a cloud,
the smell of cinnamon bread,
it's in my blood
since the day I was born
'til I wake up... dead.
And the sun is smiling gently,
a funny shade of red,
Cinnamon Street.
I still feel my heartbeat
the very first time we made love,
life was a lazy day in the sun.
Later we went dancing,
hanging out all night long
- singing all our favourite songs,
Cinnamon songs:
Oh oh na na na na na na.
Здорово, хоть и не очень подходит. Но мне нравится
7. По какому принципу строится моя жизнь?
Beatles [You've got to hide your love away]Beatles [You've got to hide your love away]
Here I stand head in hand
Turn my face to the wall
If she's gone I can't go on
Feeling two foot small
Everywhere people stare
each and every day
I can see them laugh at me
And I hear them say
Hey you've got to hide your love away
Hey you've got to hide your love away
How can I even try?
I can never win
Hearing them, seeing them
In the state I'm in
How could she say to me
"Love will find a way?"
Gather round all you clowns
Let me hear you say
Hey you've got to hide your love away
Hey you've got to hide your love away
Это моя любимая. Все подходит
8. Что будет играть на моих похоронах?
Rammstein [Sonne]Rammstein [Sonne]
Eins, zwei, drei, vier, funf, sechs,
sieben, acht, neun, aus
Alle warten auf das Licht
Furchtet euch, furchtet euch nicht
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Augen
Sie wird heut' Nacht nicht untergehn
Und die Welt zahlt laut bis zehn
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Hier kommt die Sonne
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Handen
kann verbrennen, kann euch blenden
Wenn sie aus den Fausten bricht
Legt sich Eis auf das Gesicht
Sie wird heut' Nacht nicht untergehn
Und die Welt zahlt laut bis zehn
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Hier kommt die Sonne
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Handen
kann verbrennen, kann dich blenden
Wenn sie aus den Fausten bricht
Legt sich Eis auf dein Gesicht
Legt sich schmerzend auf die Brust
Das Gleichgewicht wird zum Verlust
Lasst dich hart zu Boden gehn
Und die Welt zahlt laut bis zehn
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Und wird nie vom Himmel fallen
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Acht , neun
Hier kommt die Sonne
Что может быть лучше солнца, пусть и в Хард-роке? Гы, пусть играет))
9. Что обо мне думают окружающие?
Hi-fi [Школа N7]Hi-fi [Школа N7]
Золотистым звоном наше прошлое
Покатилось вдаль от школьных стен
И рассвет уже встречая взрослыми
По-другому ждали перемен
А мы любили
А мы могли
Свою любовь найти на краешке земли
Какие песни
Такие мы
Ведь мы поем, когда нам хочется любить
Почему-то этот день запомнится
Зачеркнет тетрадный клеток плен
Все вопросы станут не серьезными
И на все готов один ответ
А мы любили
А мы могли
Свою любовь найти на краешке земли
Какие песни
Такие мы
Ведь мы поем, когда нам хочется любить
А мы любили =]
10. Как мне сделать себя счастливым
The Verbe [Bitter sweet simphony]The Verbe [Bitter sweet simphony]
Cos' it's a bittersweet symphony this life...
Trying to make ends meet , you're a slave to the money then you die.
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down...
You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet , yeah.
No change, I can't change, I can't change, I can't change,
but I'm here in my mold , I am here in my mold.
But I'm a million different people from one day to the next...
I can't change my mold, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Well I never pray,
But tonight I'm on my knees, yeah.
I need to hear some sounds that recognise the pain in me, yeah.
I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind , I feel free now.
But the airwaves are clean and there's nobody singing to me now.
No change, I can't change, I can't change, I can't change,
but I'm here in my mold , I am here in my mold.
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next
I can't change my mold, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
(Well have you ever been down?)
(I can't change, I can't change...)
Cos' it's a bittersweet symphony this life.
Trying to make ends meet, trying to find some money then you die.
You know I can't change, I can't change, I can't change,
but I'm here in my mold, I am here in my mold.
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next.
I can't change my mold, no,no,no,no,no,no,no
(I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down)
(I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down)
(It justs sex and violence melody and silence)
(Been down)
(Ever been down)
(Ever been down)
Ever been down?
11. Как мне разрешить свои проблемы?
Laura Pasini [It's not goodbye]Laura Pasini [It's not goodbye]
And what if I never kiss your lips again
Or feel the touch of your sweet embrace
How would I ever go on
Without you there's no place to belong
Well someday love is gonna lead you back to me
But 'til it does I'll have an empty heart
So I'll just have to believe
Somewhere out there you thinking of me
Until the day I'll let you go
Until we say our next hello
It's not goodbye
'Til I see you again
I'll be right here rememberin' when
And if time is on our side
There will be no tears to cry
On down the road
There is one thing I can't deny
It's not goodbye
You'd think I'd be strong enough to make it through
And rise above when the rain falls down
But it's so hard to be strong
When you've been missin' somebody so long
It's just a matter of time I'm sure
But time takes time and I can't hold on
So won't you try as hard as you can
To put my broken heart together again
Я не люблю прощаться.
12. Какие люди в меня влюбляются?
Camera Obscura [Suspended from class]Camera Obscura [Suspended from class]
You’re such a beautiful writer
that’s not all you are
I’m sorry about making a pass
It was subtle but I think that you grasped
The meaning intended
I can be a friend to you
I won’t pretend
I’m not interested in breaking a heart
It’s not love no it’s nothing like that
I’ll leave that to lookers like him
Oh he’s such a delicate thing
Now it’s such a fragile thing that we have
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
We could go out dancing
But, in truth it is the last thing that I have on my mind
Please say if I’m way out of line
I won’t need telling twice
Now he wants to kiss
Said he can’t resist
You’re going to have to keep it hidden inside
I’ve a feeling that pigs might fly, might fly
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
You’re such a beautiful writer
And that’s not all you are
I’m sorry about making a pass
It was subtle but I think that you grasped
The meaning intended
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
Хм, интересно
13. Как я умру?
Povia [Non e' il momento]Povia [Non e' il momento]
Mi son preso il fine settimana per portarti a far l'amore sulla luna
Con la tenda e il vino rosso e le polpette di mia mamma come piace a te
Ed inclusa c'e una pergamena chiusa e un inestimabile collana rosa
Di romanzi a fumetti perchй sogneremo tanto io e te.
Parleremo poco perchй ci capiamo basta che poi dopo non ci addormentiamo
Ma che brava, che brava prepari il caffe.
Cinque stelle cadono di striscio delicate sul tuo corpo liscio, finalmente non manca piщ nienteЕ
Lei sente freddo, и il 7 agosto, manco una sauna и piu calda di qua
Rismonta tutto, ricambia posto
Luna calante cresci per me.
Santo protettore della mia pazienza io ti prego ancora non lasciarmi senza
Tienimi lontano dalle prime liti e tutto si sistemerа
Per esempio adesso siamo in fondo al mare ci baciamo a lungo senza respirare
Ma il mio cuore mi dice che non ce la fa
Guarda quella grotta sembra un bilocale la conchiglia rossa и matrimoniale
Finalmente non manca piu niente.
Lei, lei dice и troppo, ma и l'8 marzo
Tutte le donne vorrebbero me
Rismonta tutto, ricambia posto
Son sette mesi che dici che.
Non e il momento
Non me la sento
Anche le amiche ti dicono che
Mi vesto male e poi voglio cantare
Ma che ambizione
Stupida e?!
Э. А вот это че-то не в тему. А хотя... Non e' il momento))
флэшмоб номер два [from Кролик Белый, Чио & .4got10.]:
1) оставляете коммент
2) получаете от меня имя
3) пишете в своем дневнике про людей с этим именем. Какие воспоминания и ассоциации они у вас вызывают.
мне досталось
от Кролик БелыйИмя Анна.
Анна... Аня. Это почти моя сестра. Ведь крестили Яну Аней, так как Яна - нерусское имя (оно польское) и вот. И вообще - Яна наоборот - Аня. И еще у меня есть некое подобие троюродной или какой-то-еще-уродной тети, которую тоже зовут Аня. А вообще мне это имя не нравится
от ЧиоИмя Эдвард.
Боже. Эдвард. Джонни)))) Все, больше ниче не знаю. Ну так, оно прикольное, Эдди там...
от .4got10.Имя Оля.
Вот, где можно много написать. Оля - это я, Ольга, Ольчик, Олька, Олечка, Олёнка, в общем, прозиводных, которыми меня называли/ют, много. А еще у меня есть Олька. Моя любимая Олька. У нее столько ников, что я не знаю, как ее назвать, но для меня она не ник, она Олька. А однажды я познакомилась и подружилась с Олей, которая родилась второго апреля девяностого года, то есть в тот же день, месяц и год, что и я. И ее звали Олей) Потрясно))
Флешмоб номер тры [от Ольки))]:
Обладатели обширной коллекции музыки на своем компе могут провернуть вот такую забаву - добавить всю музыку в плейлист медиаплеера (любого с рандомом) и рандомайзить треки.
Трек, получивший первую позицию - ответ на очередной вопрос.
Если название данного трека бессмысленно (вроде анноун трэк) можно крутануть рандом еще раз
1. Что у меня на душе?
Camera Obscura [Footlose & Fancy Free]Camera Obscura [Footlose & Fancy Free]
Buy me an advent calendar
It seems the thought of days without you make me sadder
Don’t visit me now you make me want to do myself in
I’ll see yousometime but I won’t see you soon
I know something’s about you
I won’t spill the beans
There’s a spool in my own camera that’s never been seen
I could write it all down but it won’t be enough
I want you to be happy with someone to love
It won’t be me
It won’t be you
Pretty soonwe’ll agree to be free
Footloose and fancy free
Против С.О. ничего не имею, обожаю)
2. Каким меня видят мои друзья?
ABBA [Knowing me, knowing you]ABBA [Knowing me, knowing you]
No more carefree laughter
Silence ever after
Walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes
Here is where the story ends, this is goodbye
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
There is nothing we can do
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
We just have to face it, this time we're through
(This time we're through, this time we're through
This time we're through, we're really through)
Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go
(I have to go this time
I have to go, this time I know)
Knowing me, knowing you
It's the best I can do
Mem'ries (mem'ries), good days (good days), bad days (bad days)
They'll be (they'll be), with me (with me) always (always)
In these old familiar rooms children would play
Now there's only emptiness, nothing to say
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
There is nothing we can do
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
We just have to face it, this time we're through
(This time we're through, this time we're through
This time we're through, we're really through)
Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go
(I have to go this time
I have to go, this time I know)
Knowing me, knowing you
It's the best I can do
Лучше и не надо
3. Песня о моем лучшем друге
Britney Spears [Toxic]Britney Spears [Toxic]
Baby, can't you see
I'm calling
A guy like you
Should wear a warning
It's dangerous
I'm falling
There's no escape
I can't wait
I need a hit
Baby, give me it
You're dangerous
I'm loving it
Too high
Can't come down
Losing my head
Spinning round and round
Can you feel me now?
With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic
I'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do
But you know that you're toxic
It's getting late
To give you up
I took a sip
From my devil's cup
It's taking over me
Too high
Can't come down
It's in the air
And it's all around
Can you feel me now?
With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic
I'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do
But you know that you're toxic
But you know that you're toxic
Taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
I'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic
I'm slipping under (toxic)
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic
Intoxicate me now
With your loving now
I think I'm ready now
I think I'm ready now
Intoxicate me now
With your loving now
I think I'm ready now
Здесь можно убиццо ап стену.
4. Мое лучшее качество?
Fiona Apple [Across the universe]Fiona Apple [Across the universe]
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai guru de va om
Nothings gonna change my world,
Nothings gonna change my world.
Nothings gonna change my world
Nothings gonna change my world.
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
That call me on and on across the universe,
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they
Tumble blindly as they make their way
Across the universe
Jai guru de va om
Nothings gonna change my world,
Nothings gonna change my world.
Nothings gonna change my world.
Nothings gonna change my world.
Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing
Through my open ears inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a
Million suns, it calls me on and on
Across the universe
Jai guru de va om
Nothings gonna change my world,
Nothings gonna change my world.
Nothings gonna change my world.
Nothings gonna change my world.
Jai guru de va, jai guru de va
Jai guru de va, jai guru de va
Jai guru de va.
Jai guru de va, jai guru de va.
Я это перевожу как "спокойствие"
5. Что меня ждет завтра?
Ace of Base [Always have, always will]Ace of Base [Always have, always will]
Always have, always will
I was mesmerised when I first met you
Wouldnt let myself believe
The you could step right out of my wildest dreams
But you didnt know
That secret part of me
Until we kissed and made it open up so easily
I always have
Even when it didnt show
I always will
You know that I just wanna touch you
Whenever youre close to me
I always have
Doesnt matter where we go
I always will
You know that I just wanna show you
Just how much you mean to me
Always have, always will
Everything that you give in to
Everything youll ever need
Is locked up somewhere deep inside of me
And you gotta know
But more importantly
Youve got to stay and hold me while we live this fantasy
I always have
Even when it didnt show
I always will
You know that I just wanna touch you
Whenever youre close to me
I always have
Doesnt matter where we go
I always will
You know that I just wanna show you
Just how much you mean to me
Sometimes we try too hard to please
We should have let love come naturally
And sometimes I dont know
Just what you really do to me
That is okay
cause its all part of the mystery
I always have
Even when it didnt show
I always will
You know that I just wanna touch you
Whenever youre close to me
I always have
Doesnt matter where we go
I always will
You know that I just wanna show you
Just how much you mean to me
Always have, always will
Я рада, да и вообще я эту песню обожаю))
6. Песня о моих родителях
Roxette [Cinnamon Street]Roxette [Cinnamon Street]
Growing up
on Cinnamon Street.
Everywhere you look
there are lots of people to meet,
it's seven o'clock,
the breakfast treat.
Now the schoolbus is here,
hurry up and grab a seat.
All the dreams are tiny ones,
another week has just begun
on Cinnamon Street.
There was a girl
on Cinnamon Street,
the same age as me,
we shared the curiosity.
I won her heart
cos I could play guitar.
I promised her heaven at once
and later all the stars.
But it all remained the same
cos things can never change
on Cinnamon Street.
I can hear my heartbeat
the very first time we made love,
life was a lazy rest in the sun.
Later we went dancing,
staying up all night long
- playing all our favourite songs,
Cinnamon songs:
Oh oh na na na na na.
I say goodbye
to Cinnamon Street.
Springtime is here
and the air is so dry and sweet.
I walk in a cloud,
the smell of cinnamon bread,
it's in my blood
since the day I was born
'til I wake up... dead.
And the sun is smiling gently,
a funny shade of red,
Cinnamon Street.
I still feel my heartbeat
the very first time we made love,
life was a lazy day in the sun.
Later we went dancing,
hanging out all night long
- singing all our favourite songs,
Cinnamon songs:
Oh oh na na na na na na.
Здорово, хоть и не очень подходит. Но мне нравится
7. По какому принципу строится моя жизнь?
Beatles [You've got to hide your love away]Beatles [You've got to hide your love away]
Here I stand head in hand
Turn my face to the wall
If she's gone I can't go on
Feeling two foot small
Everywhere people stare
each and every day
I can see them laugh at me
And I hear them say
Hey you've got to hide your love away
Hey you've got to hide your love away
How can I even try?
I can never win
Hearing them, seeing them
In the state I'm in
How could she say to me
"Love will find a way?"
Gather round all you clowns
Let me hear you say
Hey you've got to hide your love away
Hey you've got to hide your love away
Это моя любимая. Все подходит
8. Что будет играть на моих похоронах?
Rammstein [Sonne]Rammstein [Sonne]
Eins, zwei, drei, vier, funf, sechs,
sieben, acht, neun, aus
Alle warten auf das Licht
Furchtet euch, furchtet euch nicht
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Augen
Sie wird heut' Nacht nicht untergehn
Und die Welt zahlt laut bis zehn
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Hier kommt die Sonne
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Handen
kann verbrennen, kann euch blenden
Wenn sie aus den Fausten bricht
Legt sich Eis auf das Gesicht
Sie wird heut' Nacht nicht untergehn
Und die Welt zahlt laut bis zehn
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Hier kommt die Sonne
Die Sonne scheint mir aus den Handen
kann verbrennen, kann dich blenden
Wenn sie aus den Fausten bricht
Legt sich Eis auf dein Gesicht
Legt sich schmerzend auf die Brust
Das Gleichgewicht wird zum Verlust
Lasst dich hart zu Boden gehn
Und die Welt zahlt laut bis zehn
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Und wird nie vom Himmel fallen
Hier kommt die Sonne
Hier kommt die Sonne
Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Acht , neun
Hier kommt die Sonne
Что может быть лучше солнца, пусть и в Хард-роке? Гы, пусть играет))
9. Что обо мне думают окружающие?
Hi-fi [Школа N7]Hi-fi [Школа N7]
Золотистым звоном наше прошлое
Покатилось вдаль от школьных стен
И рассвет уже встречая взрослыми
По-другому ждали перемен
А мы любили
А мы могли
Свою любовь найти на краешке земли
Какие песни
Такие мы
Ведь мы поем, когда нам хочется любить
Почему-то этот день запомнится
Зачеркнет тетрадный клеток плен
Все вопросы станут не серьезными
И на все готов один ответ
А мы любили
А мы могли
Свою любовь найти на краешке земли
Какие песни
Такие мы
Ведь мы поем, когда нам хочется любить
А мы любили =]
10. Как мне сделать себя счастливым
The Verbe [Bitter sweet simphony]The Verbe [Bitter sweet simphony]
Cos' it's a bittersweet symphony this life...
Trying to make ends meet , you're a slave to the money then you die.
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down...
You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet , yeah.
No change, I can't change, I can't change, I can't change,
but I'm here in my mold , I am here in my mold.
But I'm a million different people from one day to the next...
I can't change my mold, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Well I never pray,
But tonight I'm on my knees, yeah.
I need to hear some sounds that recognise the pain in me, yeah.
I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind , I feel free now.
But the airwaves are clean and there's nobody singing to me now.
No change, I can't change, I can't change, I can't change,
but I'm here in my mold , I am here in my mold.
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next
I can't change my mold, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
(Well have you ever been down?)
(I can't change, I can't change...)
Cos' it's a bittersweet symphony this life.
Trying to make ends meet, trying to find some money then you die.
You know I can't change, I can't change, I can't change,
but I'm here in my mold, I am here in my mold.
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next.
I can't change my mold, no,no,no,no,no,no,no
(I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down)
(I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down)
(It justs sex and violence melody and silence)
(Been down)
(Ever been down)
(Ever been down)
Ever been down?
11. Как мне разрешить свои проблемы?
Laura Pasini [It's not goodbye]Laura Pasini [It's not goodbye]
And what if I never kiss your lips again
Or feel the touch of your sweet embrace
How would I ever go on
Without you there's no place to belong
Well someday love is gonna lead you back to me
But 'til it does I'll have an empty heart
So I'll just have to believe
Somewhere out there you thinking of me
Until the day I'll let you go
Until we say our next hello
It's not goodbye
'Til I see you again
I'll be right here rememberin' when
And if time is on our side
There will be no tears to cry
On down the road
There is one thing I can't deny
It's not goodbye
You'd think I'd be strong enough to make it through
And rise above when the rain falls down
But it's so hard to be strong
When you've been missin' somebody so long
It's just a matter of time I'm sure
But time takes time and I can't hold on
So won't you try as hard as you can
To put my broken heart together again
Я не люблю прощаться.
12. Какие люди в меня влюбляются?
Camera Obscura [Suspended from class]Camera Obscura [Suspended from class]
You’re such a beautiful writer
that’s not all you are
I’m sorry about making a pass
It was subtle but I think that you grasped
The meaning intended
I can be a friend to you
I won’t pretend
I’m not interested in breaking a heart
It’s not love no it’s nothing like that
I’ll leave that to lookers like him
Oh he’s such a delicate thing
Now it’s such a fragile thing that we have
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
We could go out dancing
But, in truth it is the last thing that I have on my mind
Please say if I’m way out of line
I won’t need telling twice
Now he wants to kiss
Said he can’t resist
You’re going to have to keep it hidden inside
I’ve a feeling that pigs might fly, might fly
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
You’re such a beautiful writer
And that’s not all you are
I’m sorry about making a pass
It was subtle but I think that you grasped
The meaning intended
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
I should be suspended from class
I don’t know my elbow from my arse
Хм, интересно
13. Как я умру?
Povia [Non e' il momento]Povia [Non e' il momento]
Mi son preso il fine settimana per portarti a far l'amore sulla luna
Con la tenda e il vino rosso e le polpette di mia mamma come piace a te
Ed inclusa c'e una pergamena chiusa e un inestimabile collana rosa
Di romanzi a fumetti perchй sogneremo tanto io e te.
Parleremo poco perchй ci capiamo basta che poi dopo non ci addormentiamo
Ma che brava, che brava prepari il caffe.
Cinque stelle cadono di striscio delicate sul tuo corpo liscio, finalmente non manca piщ nienteЕ
Lei sente freddo, и il 7 agosto, manco una sauna и piu calda di qua
Rismonta tutto, ricambia posto
Luna calante cresci per me.
Santo protettore della mia pazienza io ti prego ancora non lasciarmi senza
Tienimi lontano dalle prime liti e tutto si sistemerа
Per esempio adesso siamo in fondo al mare ci baciamo a lungo senza respirare
Ma il mio cuore mi dice che non ce la fa
Guarda quella grotta sembra un bilocale la conchiglia rossa и matrimoniale
Finalmente non manca piu niente.
Lei, lei dice и troppo, ma и l'8 marzo
Tutte le donne vorrebbero me
Rismonta tutto, ricambia posto
Son sette mesi che dici che.
Non e il momento
Non me la sento
Anche le amiche ti dicono che
Mi vesto male e poi voglio cantare
Ma che ambizione
Stupida e?!
Э. А вот это че-то не в тему. А хотя... Non e' il momento))